1st Call For Abstracts (ends 31st May, 2024). The 9th Africa Nutrition Conference (ANEC IX)

The Ghana Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (GAND) is proud to host the 9th Africa Nutrition Conference  (ANEC IX) from Monday 7th – Friday 11th, October, 2024, in Cape Coast, Ghana, under the theme, “FOOD AND NUTRITION IN A CHANGING WORLD: Implications for nutrition security and health in Africa

The Africa Nutrition Conference Scientific Committee calls for its first part of submission of abstracts for oral and poster presentations from which ends on 31st May, 2024, in the following sub-themes.

1. Tracking Food Systems Transformation

Food systems transformation is a major area of global health and nutrition security interest. African governments pledged/made commitments to transform their food systems by 2030. Commitments at Regional (Africa Union) levels and their country pathways and their tracking to ascertain progress.  Under this theme, we seek to highlight issues such as the importance of tracking food system response to global crises.  This would include local initiatives and innovations to mitigate the impact of local crises through strengthening resilience. This could ensure multi-stakeholder collaboration and sustainability, of the system.

2. The Food Environment

Explores the food environment space specifically and directly. We will welcome expert presentations and dialogue around research, policy and advocacy within the food environment space. Food safety, prevention and control services and infra-structure.

3. Food in the Circular Economy

The circular economy and waste reduction/management, dietary shifts and alternative food sources, gender dynamics and equity in food systems will be explored.

3. Climate Change, Nutrition and Food Security

This theme will cover relevant topics and recent trends on climate and health, biodiversity, conservation and ecosystem health central to the “One health” agenda that brings together human and animal health and the environment. Resilience in agriculture and agri-business and implications for research, training and practice will also feature.

4. Traditional Knowledge and Africa’s Food Resources

This theme will explore the rich culture and diversity of foods across Africa, preserving indigenous knowledge and practices and the increasing the demand for indigenous foods of high nutritional value. Meeting the challenge of integrating traditional foods into urban supply chains and intra-Africa trade will be discussed.  The role of the food processing industry in developing novel food products from traditional foods to suit the preferences of the modern consumer, will be explored.

5. Nutrition in Health and Disease

Nutrition throughout the lifecycle including pre-pregnancy, maternal, infant and young child nutrition; nutrition in the clinical management of disease. Other aspects include early childhood vulnerabilities, nutritional support and management of malnutrition. Micronutrient deficiencies, prevention and control with a focus on the management of anemia in all age groups. Nutrition in the context (prevention and management) of communicable diseases.  

6. Nutrition Related Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD)

This includes epidemiology and trends in the prevention and management of nutrition related NCDs chronic diseases in Africa, such as cardio-vascular disease, overweight and obesity and other associated co-morbidities, evidence of interventions for behavioral change, influence of media and food processing industries.

7. School Health and Nutrition

This theme will explore a range of topics including the use of appropriate and standardized measuring tools for the assessment of nutrition and health status. Topics include the school food environment and contribution of school meals to dietary quality and adequacy at various school age levels.  Mapping coverage and quality of school meals services, school meals policy, sustainability of financial resources critical to the continuity of school meals programmes will also be covered.

8. Nutrition and Cancer in Africa

Epidemiology and current trends in nutrition and cancer in Africa. Education, interventions and research in this area will be explored.

8. Nutrition and Dietetic Professionals’ Training and Practice in Africa

Education, training, certification, accreditation and professional practice in fields of nutrition and dietetics across Africa. Pedagogical issues and curriculum harmonization across Africa regions will be explored, including the development of national accreditation boards. Presentations on current global trends and shifts in education and training emphasis and scope.  Country experiences including problems arising, related to licensure and practice of the profession of nutrition and dietetics.

Posted in Call for abstract.


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